
Hi, and welcome to Beadcast! We speak to your favorite people in the beading industry, giving hints, tips and reviews of items related to beading. So turn on your speakers, relax and be prepared to be informed and entertained!

We're honored to open our June, 2010 launch with an interview with Barb Grainger, author of the publications "Peyote At Last!: A peyote beadwork primer," "Peyote Design Techniques" and "Dimensional Flowers, Leaves & Vines."
The interview is so long (an hour and 45 minutes!), that we've split it into three parts. To listen to each part, click on a link below.  For a 10-minute preview, click on the "YouTube Preview" link.
Interview Part #1
35:55 (25Mb)
Interview Part #2
31:16 (22Mb)
Interview Part #3
38:15 (27Mb)
YouTube Preview
Enjoy seeing some of Barb's work at her showcase at The Stitchboard Showcase
Barb has generously offered a free pattern to all who have listened to this podcast.
And see and purchase her newest pattern, "Pinecone Delight", released July 4, 2011
Also come Visit our Beading and Stitching Community at:
And visit our free Pattern Wizard to make your own patterns at: